Tuesday, June 21, 2011

General Guidelines for the Project – I & II ( B.E Semester 7th & 8th)

Following are the General guidelines:
1)      Semester 7th, teaching scheme is 0-0-4, with 4 credits worth of 150 marks
2)      Semester 8th, teaching scheme is 0-0-8 or 0-0-12 in some cases worth of 300 to 450 marks.

Note: In the 7th Semester 50 marks are to be given for Problem Definition which is to be given in a specified format. The format may be specified by dept./college. The common form for the problem definition can be downloaded from GTU website. (Click here)

a)     Each defined project needs to be from Industry/Research organization/Govt.organization/socio-technical issues.
b)      Project identification should be based on “Shodh- Yatra” carried out by the students after completion of B.E Semester 6th Examination but before starting of the 7th Semester.
c)       Problem definition for the project needs to be submitted by every student in the first week of the 7th Semester to his/her college.
d)      Each definition will be evaluated based on merit in the beginning of the 7th semester itself by the College.
e)      Every College should send the list of students along with the Problem Definition in the specified format to GTU before 15th August, 2011.
You may contact your Udisha club co-ordinator/Faculty /Department/Principal or Chairman of your Sankul for arranging “Shodh-Yatra” to the industries.
Guidelines for the students:
1.         The students are required to identify their problem during the summer of 2011 and they are required to follow all the rules and instructions issued by department, for safety and other requirements.
2.       Each student or student group would work under the guidance of the Faculty from the College. In case any problem/other issue arises for the smooth progress of IDP discovery/Practical Training, it should be immediately brought to the notice of the Udisha club co-ordinator/Faculty /Department/Principal or Chairman of your Sankul.
3.         The students are required to submit the Problem Definition (in the specified format) to their Head of the Department in their College during the first week of the 7th semester.

N.B. :- For any query please mail to gtu_innovation_council@gtu.edu.in

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